Couch Party Game Night

The one and only casual to competitive 4 player local splitscreen multiplayer
throwback with gameplay metas corporate AAA studios only dream about


Manual (guide, setup, controls)

Graphics quality should be ok for the average PC at the Normal Setting but if you have less than 4GB of memory, or an older graphics card, I'd recommend setting it lower.

In-Game Settings..

- Raise Graphics Quality: Page Up
- Lower Graphics Quality: Page Dn

- Volume 0%: Numpad 0
- Volume 25%: Numpad 1
- Volume 50%: Numpad 2
- Volume 75%: Numpad 3
- Volume 100%: Numpad .

Mouse & Keyboard, controls..

Not enough joysticks / gamepads? Take control of 1 of the players with your mouse and keyboard. In-game (on the keyboard), press the top row number of the player you want to take control of.

- Take Control: 1 2 3 4
- Control Release: 5

- Pause Menu: Escape

- Move: W S A D
- Jump: Space
- Run: Left Shift
- Fire: Mouse 1
- Aim: Mouse 2
- Reload: Scroll Dn
- Gear: Scroll Up
- Snap: Q

Joysticks have generic USB setups and should be set for your own in the Input Tab before playing. Anything you see with "p#" is joystick input. Careful changing mouse settings!

Our favorites are PS4 and XB1 controllers, but you can use anything with a USB connection.

You may have to go into Steam and turn off some things so Windows can talk to your controllers directly. Go to.. Settings > Controller > General Controller Settings.. then uncheck everything.

Some have even had to right-click properties on the game in their library and select "force off" for both the controller settings there as well.

Once that's done, restart the game and select the input tab..

Set all 4 joystick players, as each one registers differently. It's a pain in the ass for now, but you'll only have to do it once. I'll be adding something later to configure in-game with auto prompts.

Double-click what you want to set, then press the button on your controller to assign it.

Use the shoulder buttons (L1 & R1) instead of triggers if your machine won't recognize triggers!

That's it. Game on!

Best way to play? Here's our pro setup recommendation for controllers..

Pressing buttons on the main menu shows which screen is yours.

DevMode Keys..

- Take Camera: F1 F2 F3 F4
- Camera Release: F5

- Take Control: 1 2 3 4
- Control Release: 5

- FreezeCam Photo Mode: F6

- Capture Screenshot: F12
- Capture Burst Shot: F9

- View From UFO Camera: Home
- Back to Player Cameras: End

- Slow Motion On: Numpad *
- Slow Motion Off: Numpad -

- Add NPCs into match: DnArrow
- Remove NPCs again: UpArrow

- Inspect Generated Maps (at menu): Home / End

- Piss (in game): hold reload button


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